Introduction: Inventory Statistics (03-65)


This selection is used to view item sales history, in units, for the past six months (including the current month).

With this report, buyers can track sales for specific departments and/or brands. Using the GMROI and Gross Margin information about each item, they can also identify high profit products. This allows them to quickly adjust their buying strategies and improve purchasing decisions.

The report can be filtered by:

  • Brand
  • Department
  • Written/Delivered sales
  • Special Order items
  • GMROI range
  • Priority Flag
  • Days Updated in Quarter

To narrow the report even further, you can exclude up to ten Departments and Product Types each. Similarly, you can exclude results of items that have not sold a single unit in the last six months.


The Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI) column on the report is the average return that you are receiving from the item. A ratio higher than 1.0 means that you are earning more from the item’s sale than it cost you to buy it. A ratio lower than 1.0 means that you are earning less from the item’s sale than it cost you to buy it. Please see the Sales Analysis Overview for more information.
