Field Definitions: Monthly Summary / Dept (05-30)


Below are the Field Definitions for the Monthly Summary / Dept selection.


NOTE: See the S/A Overview for more information on how to calculate the Sales Calculations.

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This column is organized by store branch.

This column displays the department for each branch.

Mtd Sales
This column displays the total month-to-date sales for each department.

Mtd % of Sales
This column displays the month-to-date percent of sales, which is calculated by the month-to-date sales divided by the total month to date sales multiplied by 100.

Curr Inv
This column displays the value of your current inventory for each department.

This column displays the gross margin return on investment based on sales, COGS VP, current inventory, and the ‘Avg Days Updated’ as set on the Sales Analysis menu.

Mtd Cogs
This column displays the month-to-date cost of goods sold for the department.

Mtd Profit
This is the amount earned for the department, for the month-to-date, after the Mtd Cogs is subtracted from the amount in the Mtd Sales column.

Mtd Units
This column displays the month-to-date unit sales in the department.

Avg Sale
This column displays the average sale per department, which is calculated by dividing the Mtd Sales by the Mtd Units.

This column displays the month-to-date gross margin calculated for the department.

Qtd Sales
This column displays the total quarter-to-date sales for each department.

This column displays the quarter-to-date gross margin calculated for the department.

YTD Sales
This column displays the total year-to-date sales for each department.

This column displays the year-to-date gross margin calculated for the department.