How To: Running the Serial Number File Purge (03-31-21)


This selection is used to purge serial numbers, for which the item been sold or adjusted out of the inventory system before a specified date.


When this selection is opened, the following message appears:

This Program Will Delete All Serial Numbers That Have Either Been Sold Or Adjusted Out Of The System Prior To The Month You Select

Click image to enlarge.

  1. At the ‘Enter Item Number’ prompt, enter a single item number to limit the purge to that item number. Press the Tab key on your keyboard to include all items in the purge.

  1. At the ‘Delete Serial Numbers Prior To’ prompt, enter the cutoff date for the purge in MMYY format. All serial numbers purchased or adjusted before the entered date will be purged.

  1. At the ‘Delete Only History Records’ prompt:
    1. Enter “Y” to only delete serial number history records with a Sequence of “02” in the purge.
      • When a serial number initially enters the system, it is assigned a Sequence of “01.” When that serial number is sold or adjusted out of the system and then that same serial number enters the system on a new P/O or adjustment, the Sequence of the original record increments by one (Sequence “02” and so on).
      • Enter “N” to delete all history records, including those with a Sequence of “01.”

  1. At the ‘Print a Copy Before the Purge’ prompt:
    1. Enter “Y” to print a listing of the serial numbers to be purged. It is recommended that a listing be printed each time a purge is run.
    2. Enter “N” to skip the print of the serial numbers to be purged.

  1. At the ‘Enter the Printer Name’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer or spooler.

  1. At the ‘Correct’ prompt:
    1. Enter “Y” if the entered information is correct.
    2. Enter “N” to make changes to the information.

  1. Enter “Y” at the ‘Continue With Purge’ prompt.