How To: Running the Monthly Supply Report (03-68)
This selection is used to compare the average and current monthly sales of an item with the current quantity on hand. This helps you identify items with more than a month’s supply on hand and easily see if the minimum reorder quantity is higher or lower than a month’s supply.
- From the ‘Region’ drop-down list, select a region for the report. Select ‘All’ to include all regions.
- Select a branch for the report from the ‘Store’ drop-down list. Select ‘All’ to include data from all branches on the report.
- From the ‘Beg Brand’ drop-down list, select the brand to start the report with. Select ‘All’ to start the report with the first brand on file.
- From the ‘End Brand’ drop-down list, select the brand to end the report with. Select ‘All’ to end the report with the last brand on file.
- Check the ‘Exclude if all fields are zero’ box to exclude items that have a quantity of zero in all of the following columns: ‘Current MTD Units,’ ‘Qty Avail,’ and ‘Minimum Reorder.’
- Click ‘Refresh.’
- Click the ‘Print’ button to print a paper copy of the report or save it to a PDF file (optional). At the prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the report to PDF file.’
IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have a ‘Miscellaneous’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) or a folder named “tyler” in the root directory of your C drive (“C:\tyler”) in order to successfully save the report to your computer.
- Click ‘Export File’ to open the report directly in Excel (and also save it to your computer.)
IMPORTANT: You must have a ‘Miscellaneous’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) or a folder named “tyler” in the root directory of your C drive (“C:\tyler”) in order for the report to open correctly in Excel and successfully save to your computer.