How To: Running the Items By Pickup Branch/Entry Date Report (02-08-31-02)


This selection prints a report of all item numbers on open orders up through a specified entry date. The entry date is the date on which the original DD order was entered (in Point of Sale).

The report begins with the first branch on file and prints all items that are on open orders for that branch. It can be sorted by brand, by department/product type, or by item number. Additionally, the report can be printed for a specific pickup branch or for all pickup branches.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the Thru Entry Date field, enter the cutoff date for the report. All open orders with an entry date on or before the entered date will print on the report. Press the Tab key to include all entry dates.
    • Remember that the entry date is the date that the original DD order was created.

  1. If you only want to include items for a single pickup branch on the report, enter the branch in the Enter Pickup Branch field. Press the Tab key to include items for all pickup branches.

  1. In the Sort By field:
    1. Enter “B” to sort the report by brand.
    2. Enter “D” to sort the report by department/product type.
    3. Enter “I” to sort the report by item.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. Depending on your choice in Step 3, one of the following prompts appears:
  2. Report Will Sort By Brand
    Enter a single brand to include on the report or press Tab to include all brands.

    Report Will Sort By Dept/Prod Type
    Enter a single product type to include on the report or press Tab to include all product types.

    Report Will Sort By Item Number
    Enter a single item number to include on the report or press Tab to include all items.

  1. Enter Y at the Is the Above Correct? prompt.

  1. Enter a Printer ID for the report.