How To: Viewing the Summary Report (04-44)


This tutorial describes how to view the summary report for the Received Not Invoiced selection.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. When this selection is accessed, the Summary report appears.

  1. If a purchase order was received at more than one branch, ‘****’ displays in the ‘Rcving Branch’ column. Click the ‘Expand’ button at the bottom of the screen to display the branch receiving information for all purchase orders that were received at multiple branches. To display the branch receiving information for a single purchase order that was received at multiple branches, click the plus sign to the left of the P/O number.
    • Click the ‘Collapse’ button to hide the branch receiving information for all purchase orders that were received at multiple branches. To hide the branch information for a single purchase order that was received at multiple branches, click the minus sign to the left of the P/O number.

  1. Click ‘Export’ to open the report directly in Excel and also save it to your computer (optional).
    IMPORTANT: You must have a ‘Miscellaneous’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the report to open correctly in Excel and successfully save to your computer.

  1. Click the ‘Print’ button to print a paper or digital copy of the list (optional). At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the list to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’
    IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have a ‘Miscellaneous’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the PDF to save successfully to your computer.