How To: Viewing Open/History Purchase Orders (04-40)
This selection is used to view open purchase orders and/or purchase orders that are in history.
Special Notes
- You can sort a column by clicking on the Column Heading.
- You can move a column by clicking on the Column Heading and dragging to the desired location.
- In the ‘P/O #’ field, enter a purchase order to include on the report. Leave the field blank to include all purchase orders.
- In the ‘Ship To’ field, select a Ship To Branch to include on the report. Select ‘ALL’ to include all branches.
- In the ‘Brand’ field, select a brand to include on the report. Select ‘ALL’ to include all brands.
- In the ‘Anticipated/Received Date’ field, enter the date range for the report. Leave the fields blank to include all dates.
- In the ‘Ordered From’ field, enter an Ordered From vendor to include on the report. Leave the field blank to include all Ordered From vendors.
- Click the search button to the right of the field to search for a vendor.
- In the ‘Pay To’ field, enter a Pay To vendor to include on the report. Leave the field blank to include all Pay To vendors.
- Click the search button to the right of the field to search for a vendor.
- In the ‘Item Number’ field, enter all or part of an item number to include on the report.
- If the ‘Full Item Number’ box is checked, you can also enter the item’s MFG SKU or Bar Code number in this field.
- Click the search button to the right of the field to search for an item number.
- Check the ‘Full Item Number’ box to require entry of the full item number in the ‘Item Number’ field. If this box is checked, the entry in the ‘Item Number’ field must match the item number exactly in order for it to be included on the report. If this box is unchecked, any item number that begins with the entry in the ‘Item Number’ field is included on the report.
- In the ‘Buyer’ field, enter a buyer (employee number) to include on the report. Leave the field blank to include all buyers.
- Check the ‘Open P/Os’ box to include open purchase orders on the report
- Check the ‘History P/Os’ box to include purchase orders in history.
NOTE: You must select the ‘Open P/Os’ box, the ‘History P/O’s’ box, or both.
- From the ‘Sort By’ drop-down list, select if you would like to sort the report by Ship To, P/O #, Ordered From Vendor, Item Number, or Antic/Rec Date.
NOTE: If you are sorting by Anticipated/Rec Date, the report will display one grand total instead of separate totals by branch.
- Click ‘Refresh’ and the report displays.
- Whenever you make changes to the search options, you must click ‘Refresh’ to update the results.
- Click ‘Export’ to open the report directly in Excel and also save it to your computer (optional).
IMPORTANT: You must have a ‘Purchase Orders’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the report to open correctly in Excel and successfully save to your computer.
- Click the ‘Print’ button to print a paper or digital copy of the list (optional). At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the report to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’
IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have a ‘Purchase Orders’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the PDF to save successfully to your computer.
- Click the ‘Print’ button to print a paper or digital copy of the list (optional). At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the report to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’