How To: Running the Transfer Update (03-11-03)


This selection is used to update transfers from the latest Transfer Audit (03-11-02).

Special Notes

  • Before running this selection, verify that the information on the audit is correct.
    • If the ‘Activate Request for Transfer’ preference is set to ‘N’ in Transfer Preferences (03-11-90-01), you can make any necessary changes through Transfers Entry/Inquiry/Maint (03-11-01). You will then need to print the audit again.
    • If the ‘Activate Request for Transfer’ preference is set to ‘Y’ in Transfer Preferences (03-11-90-01), no changes are allowed once the transfer is confirmed through Receiving Confirmation (03-11-12). If you determine that a transfer was incorrectly confirmed, an offsetting transfer must be created to correct the error.
  • When this selection is run, all transfers included on the audit are permanently written to the Transfer History file.
    • When a package is included on the transfer, only the sub-items are written to the history file. This allows any deviations to be traced if a discrepancy occurs during a Physical Inventory.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. At the ‘Post-Receiving Labels must be run prior to update’ prompt:
    1. Click ‘Continue’ if Post Receiving Labels have already been printed or do not need to be printed.
      NOTE: Once Update Processing is run, you cannot print Post-Receiving Labels.
    2. Click ‘Exit’ if Post Receiving Labels need to be printed.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. The criteria selected when you printed the audit (‘Ending Update Date,’ ‘Starting Document#,’ ‘Ending Document#’) appears at the top of the screen. Verify that the information is correct.
    • If the information is not correct, click ‘Exit’ and run Audit Processing again.

  1. Click ‘Update.’