How To: Running the Month by Month Sales by Item Report (05-36)


This tutorial describes how to run the Month by Month Sales by Item Report.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. Specify whether the report should include Written or Delivered sales by clicking the appropriate radio button.

  1. In the ‘Priority Flags’ field, enter any priority flags (without commas) to filter the report by.

  1. Check the ‘Exclude zero sales for 12 months’ to exclude any items that have not been sold in the last twelve months from the report.
    NOTE: The system will remember this setting for the next time that you run this report.

  1. If you want to include only specific brands on the report, click the Select Brands button.
  2. Click image to enlarge.

    The ‘Select Brands’ window appears. Check the box next to all of the brands that you want to include (up to 42). Then click Done.

    NOTE: The system will remember these selections for the next time that you run this report.

    Click image to enlarge.

  1. If you want to include only specific departments on the report click the Select Depts button.
  2. Click image to enlarge.

    The ‘Select Departments’ window appears. Check the box next to all of the departments that you want to include (up to 84). Then click Done.

    NOTE: The system will remember these selections for the next time that you run this report.

    Click image to enlarge.

  1. Click the Refresh button. Items matching the criteria display.
    • Any time you change the report criteria, you will need to click Refresh to update the report results.

  1. Click the Print button to print a paper copy of the report (optional). At the prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer or enter “PDF” to save the report to a PDF file. If printing to a PDF, accept the pre-prompted save location on your computer or enter a new one.

  1. Click Export to download the report to your computer (optional). Accept the pre-prompted save location, or enter a new one. Then click Ok.
    IMPORTANT: Since the exported file is tab delimited, save it with a ‘.txt’ extension.