How To: Running the Sales Tax Detail Report (02-43-02)


This selection produces a detailed report showing the breakdown of Sales Tax. The option to include or exclude specified stores, cities, zip codes, or tax codes on the report is available. This report can be used in conjunction with the Sales Tax Report selection to view total sale, taxable, and non-taxable amounts.

Special Notes

  • If any items on a transaction have an exemption based on the item’s department (non-taxable), an asterisk (*) will print on the right side of the report.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ fields, enter a date range for the report. Press the Tab key in the ‘From Date’ field to start the report with the first date on file. Press the Tab key in the ‘End Date’ field to end the report with the last date on file.

  1. In the ‘Stores Include or Exclude field:
    1. Enter “I” to only include certain stores (branches) on the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to five branches.
    2. Enter “E” to exclude certain stores from the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to five branches.
    3. Press the Tab key to include all stores on the report.

  1. In the ‘City(s) Include or Exclude field:
    1. Enter “I” to only include certain cities on the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to three cities.
    2. Enter “E” to exclude certain cities from the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to three cities.
    3. Press the Tab key to include all cities on the report.

  1. In the ‘Zip Codes Include or Exclude field:
    1. Enter “I” to only include certain zip codes on the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to four zip codes.
    2. Enter “E” to exclude certain zip codes from the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to four zip codes.
    3. Press the Tab key to include all zip codes on the report.

  1. In the ‘Tax Codes Include or Exclude field:
    1. Enter “I” to only include certain tax codes on the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to five tax codes.
    2. Enter “E” to exclude certain stores from the report. Press the Tab key and then enter up to five tax codes.
    3. Press the Tab key to include all tax codes on the report.
    4. NOTE: Sales tax is captured at the time the transaction is entered (for a ‘TW’) or shipped/updated (for ‘DZ’/’SZ’) and is based on the code set up in the ‘Sales Tax Code’ field of the Branch Maintenance selection (30-02-02).

  1. Enter a different number in each of the five fields (‘Taxcode,’ ‘City,’ ‘ZipCode,’ ‘Date,’ and Store) to define the sort order of this information on the report. The fields are sorted in ascending order based on these preferences.

    For example, if you wanted the report to first be sorted by store, then by date, then by taxcode, then by zip code, and finally by city, you would enter:

    3 Taxcode
    5 City
    4 Zipcode
    2 Date
    1 Store

    NOTE: The next field, ‘Trans Number’ is always sorted last on the report.

  1. Enter “N” to change the settings for the report. Enter “X” to exit the selection.