How To: Changing a Stop for a Specific Date (21-20)
Sometimes you might need to temporarily change the available time for a route. By changing the stop maximums in this selection, you can achieve this without modifying the default route information in Route Master Maint. Changes to the stops are automatically logged by the system so you can view details of the modifications at a later time.
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- Specify a schedule date using the green arrow buttons, the calendar button, or by entering the date in the field at the top of the screen. Today’s date appears by default.
- Route information appears for the specified date. Select a route by clicking on it.
- The options window opens. Click the Change Stops Volume on this date button.
- Enter the Employee Number of the person making adding the schedule.
- The stop name, maximum time, available time, maximum volume and available volume (if used) for the route appear at the top left of the screen.
In the ‘Maximum’ column, make any changes to the total volume allowed for this route on this day. Additionally, you can make changes to the time for each stop. You can add time or subtract time, depending on the needs of your company. For example, if the driver has a dentist appointment and will not be able to work his 8-10AM stops, you would change the stops from ‘2’ to ‘0’ for this time period.
REMEMBER: Changes made here only apply to this route, for this day.
- The driver and mileage information appears in the upper right of the screen. Make any necessary changes.
NOTE: Since there is no programming involved with these fields, the changes are not automatically logged in the comments.
- At the bottom of the screen, you will see a summary of the route stops on the Stops Recap tab. If you are using 1st AM/1st PM/Late stops, it will break down the stops using that information. If not, ‘All Time’ will appear. After viewing this information, click the Comments tab.
- On the Comments tab, you will see comments for this schedule. Click the Enter New Comment button to enter any notes about this change. A new window opens for entry of the comments (e.g. “Driver has dentist appointment”). Click Update when you are finished to save the comments and close the window. The comments then appear in the box at the bottom of the screen.
- ‘View All’ is selected by default and will show all comments that you have manually entered, along with a history of changes made to this schedule (which are automatically recorded by the system).
- ‘View Manual’ will exclude automatic comments added by the system.
- Checking the ‘Show Who/When Comments created’ box will display the employee who made the change and a timestamp.
- Click the Update button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes to the schedule. If you re-access the schedule and view all comments, you will see that the system created a note for the change (e.g. ‘Time on Stop 4 changed from 2 to 3’).
- Click Cancel to void these changes.
- Click the Print button to print a report of the information on the screen.