How To: Creating a Miscellaneous Entry (21-22)


This tutorial describes how to create a miscellaneous entry.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. Enter “A” at the main prompt.

  1. Enter the Employee Number of the person entering the miscellaneous stop.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘Stop’ or ‘Minutes’ field, enter the time (stops, minutes) that this miscellaneous stop required.

  1. If applicable, enter the volume/cubits required for this entry in the ‘Volume’ or ‘Cubits’ field.

  1. If applicable, enter “FA,” “FP,” or “L” in the ‘FA/FP/L’ field if this entry requires a First AM, First PM, or Late stop, respectively.

  1. In the ‘Branch’ field, enter the branch for this delivery.

  1. Enter the route type in the ‘Route Type’ field. (P, I, C, B, D or M). If you enter “M” for a Miscellaneous Route, the system will prompt you to specify whether it is a Miscellaneous Inside route or a Miscellaneous Outside route.

  1. In the ‘Desired Date’ field, enter the date for this entry.

  1. If you are using Call First, enter “Y” in the ‘Call First’ field. The Routing Manifest (21-03) will alert the driver to call the customer before delivery.
    NOTE: If you are not using Call First (preference is not checked), this field does not appear on the screen.

  1. If you are using promise dates and have determined one for this entry, enter it in the ‘Promised Date’ field.
    NOTE: If you are not using Promise Date (preference is not checked), this field does not appear on the screen.

  1. If this entry is for a customer, enter the customer number in the ‘Ship To Cust#’ field. The corresponding customer information appears in the fields below.

    If this entry is not for a customer, you can leave the ‘Ship To Cust#’ field blank and manually enter the name and/or address for the entry instead.

  1. A menu appears at the bottom the screen:
    1. Enter “C” to make changes to the information just entered.
    2. Enter “T” to add comments to this miscellaneous entry.
    3. Enter “S” to access the Scheduler and assign this entry to a route. Follow the instructions in the ‘Using the Advanced Scheduler’ tutorial.