Field Definitions: Finalize Consolidated Schedule (21-24)


Below are descriptions of each field on the Finalize Consolidated Schedule screen.

Table of Contents

Main Screen

The date for the displayed schedule appears in this field. You can change it by clicking on the Calendar icon, by using the green arrow keys, or by entering a new date in the field.

This is the Consolidated Schedule Name as set up in Consolidated Master Maint. (21-90-20).

This is the Consolidated Schedule Description as set up in Consolidated Master Maint.

To be Finalized
The amount of scheduled time (stops/minutes) and volume (if applicable) that needs to be scheduled to an actual route appears in the respective columns of this field.

“Blank” Column
This is a column reserved for miscellaneous messages. For example if the route is locked, inactive, or not scheduled for the day, those respective statuses will appear in this column.

First AM
If you are using First AM/First PM/Late stops, the maximum time allowed for First AM stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Max’ column of this field. The available time (based on already scheduled deliveries/services) for the First AM stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Avail’ column.

NOTE: If you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops, this field does not appear on the screen.

First PM
If you are using First AM/First PM/Late stops, the maximum time allowed for First PM stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Max’ column of this field. The available time (based on already scheduled deliveries/services) for the First PM stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Avail’ column.

NOTE: If you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops, this field does not appear on the screen.

If you are using First AM/First PM/Late stops, the maximum time allowed for Late stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Max’ column of this field. The available time (based on already scheduled deliveries/services) for the Late stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Avail’ column.

NOTE: If you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops, this field does not appear on the screen.

If you are using First AM/First PM/Late stops, the maximum time allowed for stops other than First AM/First PM/Late stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule in the ‘Max’ column of this field. The available time (based on already scheduled deliveries/services) for Other stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Avail’ column.

NOTE: If you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops, this field does not appear on the screen.

The maximum time allowed for all stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Max’ column of this field. The available time (based on already scheduled deliveries/services) for all stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Avail’ column.

NOTE: This field only displays if you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops.

The maximum volume allowed for all stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Max’ column of this field. The available volume (based on already scheduled deliveries/services) for all stops on all routes assigned to this consolidated schedule appears in the ‘Avail’ column.

NOTE: If you are not using Volume, this field does not appear on the screen.

Schedule Re-Routing Screen

Consolidated Schedule Section

Orders that are assigned to the selected consolidated schedule that need to be scheduled to an actual route appear on this section of the screen.

This is customer’s zip code for the order.

From Order
The application source of the order (OP-Order Processing, WO-Service, CD-Centralized Delivery) appears in the ‘From’ column.

The order number assigned to this stop appears in the ‘Order’ column.

If you are using First AM/First PM/Late stops and the customer has requested one of these timeslots, it appears in this column when an order has been scheduled to a stop.

NOTE: If you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops, this field does not appear on the screen.

(or Minutes)
This amount of time (stops/minutes) required by the order.

This is the volume required by the order.

NOTE: If you are not using Volume, this field does not appear on the screen.

If an order has been assigned to the stop, the customer information appears in these fields.

Route Schedules Section

Routes that are assigned to the selected consolidated schedule appear on this section of this screen.

This is the Route Name as set up in Route Master Maint. (21-90-21).

This is the Stop Name as set up in Route Master Maint.

The rest of the fields on this section of the screen are only populated when an order from the consolidated schedule (left side of the screen) has been assigned to a Route on the right side of the screen.

If you are using First AM/First PM/Late stops and the customer has requested one of these timeslots, it appears in this column when an order has been scheduled to a stop.

NOTE: If you are not using First AM/First PM/Late stops, this field does not appear on the screen.

From Order
The application source of the order (OP-Order Processing, WO-Service, CD-Centralized Delivery) appears in the ‘From’ column.

The order number assigned to this stop appears in the ‘Order’ column.

(or Minutes)
This amount of time (stops/minutes) required by the order.

The customer information appears in these fields.

Pending Move Section

Pending Move
When you double-click an order in the ‘Current Schedule’ (left side) or the ‘New Schedule (right side) part of the screen, the order number appears in this field, signifying that you want to move it to a new stop.


Order Lines for Pending Move
Click this button to view the item lines for the order displayed in the ‘Pending Move’ field.

When the window opens, click on an individual item to view the Available, Committed, and OnOrder quantities for the item at all branches.

Run Scheduler for Pending Move
Click this button to open the Scheduler for the order displayed in the ‘Pending Move’ field.

Update Moves
After moving an order from the Current Schedule to the New Schedule using the Steps 4-6 in the ‘Re-sequencing a Schedule’ tutorial, click this button to update the schedule.

IMPORTANT: Changes to the schedule are not made until this button is clicked.

Click this button to exit the Schedule Re-Routing screen. All changes made without clicking the Update Moves button are cancelled.