How To: Creating a New Route (21-90-21)


This tutorial describes how to create a new route.


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  1. Complete the following fields on the screen:
  2. Route
    Enter a 4-6 character route name. This name is free-form, but note that the Scheduler will suggest routes in the order they are sorted (e.g. if you have routes ‘NY1A’, ‘NJ00,’ and ‘NYS3″ and they all meet the Scheduler rules, the system will suggest ‘NJ00’ first, followed by ‘NY1A’ and then ‘NYS3.’)

    For Delivery routes, you could name the routes by the merchandise that the truck carries (e.g. TV, Exer, etc.) or the geographical location that it delivers to (i.e. North, South).

    For In-Home service routes, you could name the routes by installer (e.g. Paul, John, etc.)

    For Classroom Instruction routes, you could name the route by class name or instructor name.

    For Bay Installation you could name the route by installer or the work being performed.

    Enter a description for the route.

    Limit 2 (Volume, Cubic, Nothing)
    If you have a Limit 2 set up in Preferences (02-21-90-01), the Limit 2 title (commonly Volume or Cubic) appears as the title of this field.

    In this field, enter the maximum volume allowed for the route. The Scheduler will warn you when trying to schedule a delivery that will put the volume for the route over the value entered in this field.

    If Limit 2 for the route type is set to ‘0’ (zero), this field is not used.

    (A, I)

    Enter “A” to designate the route as Active. If a route is active, schedule headers and consolidated schedules will be created for it when Start of Day is run.

    Enter “I” to designate the route as Inactive. This status can be used to shut the route down for a long period of time (driver vacation, bay being remodeled, major vehicle repairs, etc.). To shut down the route for a short period of time, we recommend keeping the route Active and locking the appropriate schedule days for the route with the Schedule Header Days selection (21-20). For example, if the route is normally available on Mondays, but this Monday is Labor Day, you can lock the schedule header for that date, making the route inactive for that day only.

    NOTE: Changing the route status to Inactive does not change existing schedules or consolidated schedules. Therefore, a manual review of Schedule Details (21-21) and Finalized Consolidated Schedules (21-24) is required.

    (P, I, C, B, D, M)

    Enter the Route Type code in this field. Routes are categorized as either Inside (at the store) or Outside (at the customer’s home/business).

    The following are valid entries for this field:

    • “P” for Pickup (Outside)
    •  “I” for In Home Service (Outside)
    •  “C” for Class Instruction (Inside)
    •  “B” for Bay Service (Inside)
    •  “D” for Delivery (Outside)
    • “M” for Miscellaneous (Inside or Outside)

    NOTE: Pickup routes can be set up in this selection, but they are not required because pickups cans can be performed on In Home or Delivery routes, if your preferences are set up to allow it.

    Con Schedule
    If you want to assign the route to a consolidated schedule, enter the consolidated schedule code in this field. Remember that routes assigned to the same consolidated schedule should be identical (skills, zones, etc.)

    For more information on consolidated schedules, please see the Consolidated Master Maint section of this documentation.

    Days of week working
    Specify the days that the route is available for scheduling.

    Enter “Y” for days that the route is available and enter “N” for the days that it is not.

    For Active routes, schedule headers are automatically created when Start of Day is run for days that are set as ‘Y’ and that are not in the Holiday File (21-90-60).

    You can lock a schedule for a day if necessary, through the Schedule Header Days selection (21-20).
    For example, if the route is normally available on Saturdays, but this Saturday is Christmas Eve, you can lock the schedule header for that date, making the route unavailable for that day only.

    Service Locator
    If this route is for Bay Service, enter the service locator for the bay.

    If this route is for In Home Service, enter the service locator for the truck.

    Driver/Tech 1
    Enter the driver/technician for this route.

    Driver/Tech 2
    Enter the second driver/technician for this route.

    There are 24 Stop Numbers available for each route. Each Stop Number has a name assigned to it and also a unit measurement (Minutes, Stops etc.) used to determine when the route is full (Limit 1, set up in Preferences (21-90-01).

    NOTE: At least one stop, with at least one minute/stop is required or the route will automatically be set to Inactive.

    Enter the name of the stop, for each Stop number, in this field. The name is user-defined and can be up to 6 alphanumeric characters. It displays on the Scheduler for quick recognition by scheduling personnel.

    Commonly, the entry in this field describes a period of time, but that is not required. Popular entries are the specific hour or hours, e.g. 8-9AM, or a more general time description, e.g. EMORN, LMORN, EAFTER, LAFTER.

    NOTE: This field should not be left blank if there are Stop Names below it. If you need to assign the Stop Number as inactive time, e.g. Lunch, instead of leaving it blank, enter “Lunch” as the Stop Name and “0” in the ‘Minutes/Stops’ field.

    NOTE: Leaving this field blank or entering spaces in the name will delete all Stop Names that follow it (after a warning from the system).

    This field differs depending on the unit of measurement that you are using for Limit 1 (set up in Preferences (21-90-01)):

    • If you are using Minutes, the entry in this field (for each Stop number) is the maximum number of minutes allowed for the Stop number. For example, for Stop Name EMORN, the maximum might be “90” minutes, factoring in driving and unforeseen delays.
    • If you are using Stops, the entry in this field (for each Stop number) is the maximum number of stops that are allowed for the Stop number. For example, for Stop Name LMORN, the maximum might be “2” stops, factoring in driving and unforeseen delays.

    When scheduling the route, the system will warn you when a delivery will put the Minutes/Stops over the maximum entered in this field.

    First AM/PM and Late stops
    This field appears only if your system is set up to designate First AM, First PM, and Late stops. The Scheduler uses these designations to suggest the best schedule for a customer who requests a First AM, First PM, or Late delivery.

    IMPORTANT: To avoid errors with your schedule headers, you must run the Reset AM/PM/Late Headers selection (21-90-03) immediately after changing any of these fields.

    NOTE: Even if this feature is activated, you do not need to use these designations on each route.

    1st AM Stop between
    Enter the range of Stop Numbers that should be designated as First AM (first morning) stops. For example, if only the first Stop number should be first AM, enter “1” in the first field and “1” in the second.

    In the Scheduler, “FA” will appear to the right of the Stop Name.

    1st PM Stop between
    Enter the range of Stop Numbers that should be designated as First PM (first afternoon) stops. For example, if only the first Stop Number should be First PM, enter “3” in the first field and “3” in the second.

    In the Scheduler, “FP” will appear to the right of the Stop Name.

    Late Stop starts at
    Enter the range of Stop Numbers that should be designated as First PM (first afternoon) stops. For example, if only the first Stop Number should be First PM, enter “3” in the first field and “3” in the second.

    In the Scheduler, “LT” will appear to the right of the Stop Name.