How To: Merging Duplicate Customer Numbers (20-01)


If the Similar Name Audit or the Similar Address Audit reveals that a customer has more than customer number, use the process described below to merge the customer’s detail lines and transactions into one customer number. If there are more than two customer numbers for the same customer, repeat the steps until all of them have been merged into a single customer number.

IMPORTANT: You should also use this procedure when you need to change the customer number of a customer.
NOTE: When merging two accounts, the maximum number of lines in the comments section is still 99. If the combined comments between the two customer numbers exceed 99 lines, the data saved will be: all of the main account’s info, followed by a line with the message, “Merged from <xxx…>,” followed by what will fit from the comments of the merged account.


  1. Enter the customer number of the customer that will be merged/moved.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. Position the cursor back to the ‘Customer No.’ field and enter the customer number that this customer will be merged to (the new customer number).

Click image to enlarge.

  1. The cursor positions to the ‘Home Phone’ field for modification. Enter a new phone number or press Tab to accept the existing phone number. If the field is left blank or if the field is cleared and the Tab key pressed, the system will automatically fill the ‘Home Phone’ field with the NEW Customer Number.

  1. The cursor positions to the ‘C/P’ field. Accept or modify the existing entry. Enter “C” if the customer is a company or “P” if the customer is a person.

  1. The cursor then positions to the ‘Region’ field. Accept or modify the existing region.

  1. If the new customer number is correct and no more changes need to be made, press the Tab key at the main prompt.
    • If additional changes do need to be made, enter the row number and press Tab to position the cursor on the appropriate field.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. If there are work orders associated with this account, the above message appears, informing you that the customer merge will not affect work order history files. Enter “C” to continue.

    If there are not work orders associated with this account, skip to Step 8 of this tutorial.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. Verify the information on the screen is correct. Enter “Y” and press Tab to continue.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. A message appears, warning you that open transactions will now reflect the new (to) customer information. Enter “Y” to continue.