How To: Adding Sub-Items to a Package (03-06-01)


This tutorial describes how to add sub-items to a package.


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Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘Item#’ field, enter a package item. Click the Search button to the right of the field to look up an item.
    REMEMBER: A package item is set up in Inventory Master File Inq/Maint (03-01) and has a product type of ‘PKG’, ‘PKS’, or ‘XX+’ (where XX are any two characters and the third character is a plus sign (e.g. ‘HD+’, ‘BR+’)).

  1. If there are already sub-items in the package, click the Add button to assign more sub-items to the package.

    If there are no sub-items currently in the package, the ‘Add New SUB Items’ window appears.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘SUB Item #’ field, scan or enter the item number being added to the package.
    • Click the Search icon to the right of the field to look up an item.

  1. The brand, product type, and item description appear.

    In the ‘Price’ field, you can enter the price of the sub-item if:

    • this is an Inventory or Non-Inventory item on a PKG package. Entry of a price is optional, but if a price is not entered (set to .00), the system will use the designated Selling Price during POS Entry.
    • this is a Non-Inventory item on a PKS or XX+ package. Entry of a price required in this case.

    You cannot enter the price of the sub-item if:

    • this is an Inventory item on a PKS or XX+ package.

  1. In the ‘Quantity’ field, accept or modify the quantity of the sub-item being sold in the package.

  1. Click ‘Add.’

Click image to enlarge.

  1. Repeat steps 3-6 until all items are added.

  1. Click ‘Close.’

Click image to enlarge.

  1. If you want to enter sub-items for other packages, click ‘Done.’ The cursor moves to the ‘Item#’ field for entry of a new Package Item.
    • Click ‘Exit’ to close the selection.