How To: Running the Inventory Aging Report (03-70)
This tutorial describes how to run the Inventory Aging Report.
- From the ‘Brand’ drop-down list, select a brand to narrow the report. Select ‘All’ to include data from all brands on the report.
- From the ‘Dept’ drop-down list, select a department to narrow the report. Select ‘All’ to include data from all departments on the report.
- From the ‘ProdType’ drop-down list, select a product type to narrow the report. Select ‘All’ to include data from all product types on the report.
- Check the ‘Include Boxed Stock’ box to include items on the report that are designated as Regular Boxed stock.
- Check the ‘Include Floor Stock’ box to include items on the report that are designated as Floor Model stock.
- Check the ‘Include Damaged Stock’ box to include items on the report that are designated as Damaged stock.
- Under ‘Display Items With Aged Qty’ select the number of days into the past that you want to view inventory aging for.
For example, if the current system date is 08-16-18 and ‘Over 120 Days’ is selected, the report will list inventory from 04-18-18 (120 days ago) to 08-16-18.
- Click ‘Refresh.’
- The report displays.
- Double-click an item number to view details for the item. A new window opens displaying the quantities for each branch, purchase order history, and inventory adjustment history.
Click the ‘Close’ button to close the Branch Quantities window.
- Click the ‘Export’ button to open the report directly in Excel and also save it to your computer (optional).
NOTE: You must have a ‘Transaction Processing’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) or a folder named “tyler” in the root directory of your C drive (“C:\tyler”) in order for the report to open correctly in Excel.