The RF Transfers Process (RF-02)


A brief description of Tyler’s Transfers process is included below.

IMPORTANT: Only certain steps can be performed with the RF Scanner. Some parts of the process still need to be completed using the Transfers application (03-11) in the main system. To avoid confusion, at the end of each step, we specify where the action should be performed. If the step must be completed in the Transfers application in the main system, [MAIN SYSTEM] appears. If the step is completed with the RF Scanner, [RF SCANNER] appears.
REMEMBER: To use RF Scanners with the Transfers process, the ‘Activate Request for Tranfer’ preference must be set to ‘Y.’

The RF Transfers Process

  1. The transfer is created using the Transfer Entry/Maint/Inquiry selection (03-11-01). [MAIN SYSTEM]

  1. Picking Sheets are printed for the transfer using the Picking Sheets selection (03-11-10). [MAIN SYSTEM]
    NOTE: You can use the GUI or Non-GUI version of the Picking Sheets selection to print your picking sheets. This preference is specified at the ‘GUI Print?’ prompt on the Transfers Preferences screen (03-11-90-01).

  1. Merchandise to be transferred is picked using the Bulk Pick selection (RF 02-01) on your RF scanner. [RF SCANNER]
    IMPORTANT: This step is only required if the Outbound branch on the transfer is a locator branch or the GUI version of the Picking Sheets selection is used to print the Picking Sheets. If neither of these conditions is true, you can skip to Step 4.

  1. The Shipping selection (RF 02-03) on the RF scanner is run at the sending branch. This selection performs the same function as the Shipping Confirmation selection (03-11-11) in the main Transfers application. [RF SCANNER]

  1. Using the Packing Sheets selection (03-11-12), Packing Sheets are printed to accompany the transferred items. [MAIN SYSTEM]

  1. The RF Receiving selection (02-04) is run at the receiving branch. This selection performs the same function as the Receiving Confirmation selection (03-11-13) in the main Transfers application. [RF SCANNER]

  1. Labels are printed for the transferred merchandise at the receiving branch by using the appropriate selection under the Pre/Post Label Processing submenu (03-11-42). [MAIN SYSTEM]

  1. The Transfers Audit is printed using the Audit Processing selection (03-11-02). [MAIN SYSTEM]

  1. Transfers are updated using Update Processing (03-11-03). [MAIN SYSTEM]