Introduction: Transaction Code Maintenance (03-13)
Transaction codes are used to track inventory movement in the system. Many of the codes are assigned to a specific General Ledger number, and by using the letter ‘I’ or ‘O’ as the first letter of the code, the movement is easily designated as incoming (added to inventory) or outgoing (removed from inventory).
Transaction codes are used throughout Tyler. Many are set up by the system and cannot be modified or deleted.
This selection is used to define your own codes for use in the Receipts & Adjustments application (03-10). For example, if you need to make a Miscellaneous Incoming Inventory adjustment, you could set up the code ‘IMIS’ in this selection, and then enter that code when making the adjustment in Receipts & Adjustments Entry (03-10-01).
Special Purpose Codes
The following special purpose codes are initially set up with the system and cannot be deleted or used in Receipts and Adjustments processing.
Service Department Automation codes are used to remove/restore parts to inventory when their costs are added to/subtracted from another item’s. They do not interface to General Ledger.
Transfers do not interface to General Ledger.
The special purpose codes below are initially set up with the system and cannot be deleted. However, even though they function differently than user-defined codes, they can be used in Receipts & Adjustments.
Unlike the other codes in Receipts and Adjustments, these codes will affect last physical count quantity and the last physical count deviation in the Inventory Store File.
Unlike the other codes in Receipts and Adjustments, these adjustments do not interface to General Ledger.