How To: Setting Up Open A/R Preferences (12-90)
This selection is used to set up preferences for the A/R Open application.
Enter 1 to age Accounts Receivable by the ‘Invoice’method. The system combines any debits and credits with the same invoice number and will age them by the debit due date. If the invoice numbers do not match, credits are aged according to their own dates.
Enter ‘2’ to age Accounts Receivable by the ‘Bottom Up’ method. This will age all debits to the proper columns, and then accumulate all credits to pay off the oldest aging column first.
Enter 1 to age transactions by 30, 60, … days. This method calculates the number of days past due based on the number of days in the month being calculated and the due date of the invoice.
Enter 2 to age by statement date. This method looks at the statement date and ages based on that date. For example, if the statement date is 12/25, all invoices dated after 12/25 will be current. All invoices dated 11/25 to 12/24 will be 1-30 days past due, etc.
Enter 1 to match the invoice number by the first six digits. This is used by Purge Processing and Aging Processing. This method will look at the first 6 digits of the invoice number and will purge or age based on those numbers. This method is recommended if activity for an account number takes place in more than one branch for the same transaction number. This method will not require as much maintenance as Method 2.
Enter 2 to match the invoice number by ten digits. If using this method, all digits of the invoice number must be identical in order for the invoice to purge from the file. This means that if two transactions occurred for the same account in two different branches, it will be necessary for you to use Transaction Maintenance (12-21), to maintain the invoice number and/or the cross reference number so that they will be identical.
Enter 1 to print the statements in Invoice Number order.
Enter 2 to print the statements in Transaction Date order
If Y, the system prints a statement for temporary accounts that have a debit balance.
If Y, the system prints statements for permanent accounts that have credit balances.
If N, statements are only printed for permanent accounts that have debit balances.
NOTE: Temporary accounts (DD, SO, or CO) are not in this category.
If Y, statements use the address in Branch Maintenance (30-02-02) as the ‘Remit To.’ The branch address that is used is determined by the branch entry in Field 9 of Master File Maint (12-20).
If N, statements do not include a ‘Remit To’ address. The statements will have to be pre-printed with the corporate (or other appropriate) address at the time of ordering the forms.
If Y, a due date prints next to each debit entry on the customer’s statement.
If N, due dates do not print next to debit entries.
If Y, the customer’s name appears on the Aging Report (12-34), as shown in the ‘Alpha Name’ field in Master File Maint.
If N, the customer’s name appears on the Aging Report (12-34) as shown in the ‘Name’ field (field 02) in Master File Maint.
This preference is not available at this time. Whether Y or N is entered here, an ‘L’ must be entered in Cash Receipts Entry (12-1) in order to display the individual lines for a customer.
Enter the dollar amount to charge as a minimum late charge on statements. If the percentage calculation established for Service Charge in Field 17 of Master File Maint selection is lower than the amount entered here, the system will override the percentage calculation and charge the Minimum Late Charge amount.
If Y, the system summarizes all previous activity on the statement and shows it as the ‘Previous Balance.’ The current activity is detailed.
If N, the system details ALL open transactions for the account on the statement.
When the Over 90 + 90 day + 60 day + 30 day past due amount is less than the amount entered here, the 30 day delinquency message will print on the customer statement rather than the possibly harsher message of a more delinquent message.
Any temporary account (DD, SO, or CO) that has a balance less than or equal to than the dollar amount entered here will print on the purge listing and be purged by Open Acct Purge Proc (12-42). The purged dollar amount will be posted to the General Ledger using the account assigned to the “W3” code in Discount/Premium Code (12-24).
Enter the time period to save write-off accounts. Valid entries are “0” – 0 days, “3” – 30 days,”6″ – 60 days, “9” – 90 days, “12” – 12 months. If no time period is entered, the system defaults to 12 months.
NOTE: Write-offs will only be purged if the ‘Open Aging By Invoice Method’ is selected in Preference #1. If the ‘Open Aging: Bottom Up’ method is being used, it can be changed to ‘Open Aging By Invoice’ before the purge and then changed back after the purge.
Enter Y to print A/R Statements on a laser printer or directly to a PDF file. When this option is selected, a new window appears. The preferences on this screen are described below.
NOTE: To print statements to a PDF file, you will need to enter ”PDF” at the Select Printer prompt in AR Statement Print (12-41). However, before you can use the PDF option, you must set up a download directory/folder for the PDF through the Company PDF Export Directory (30-04) selection or the Terminal PDF/Export Directory selection (30-05).
If Y, when entering Cash Receipts in Cash Rec. Entry (12-01) or Adjustments in Adjustments Entry (12-03), you will have the option to update the batch to General Ledger without running Cash Rec. Audit/Update (12-02) or Adj. Audit/Update (12-04), respectively. To view the cash receipt and/or adjustment information, use General Ledger Inquiry (15-07).
If N, you will need to run the Audit/Update selections (12-02 and 12-04) to update cash receipts and adjustments, respectively.
Enter Y to allow access to the Cash Receipts Import File selection (12-01-02), which is a licensed option.
Enter N and access to the Cash Receipts Import File selection is not allowed.
Enter Y to include the Delivered Not Updated (D-N-U) amount in the ‘Balance’ field of A/R Account Activity (12-61) when viewing a permanent account.
Enter N (or leave the field blank) to exclude the D-N-U amount in the ‘Balance’ field of A/R Account Activity.
REMEMBER: D-N-U is the dollar amount of merchandise that has been delivered (and updated) in Order Processing, but not yet updated in Sales Transactions.
A/R GUI Laser Statement Preferences
The following preferences appear when you enter “Y” at the ‘Print AR Statement on Laser Printer’ preference.
NOTE: To include a logo on your statements, contact Tyler. The file is stored on our server and there is a one-time storage charge per file.
For more information, please see the Logo File Names section of this document.
If you notice that the font is printing too large or too small on the invoice or that the character spacing is too wide or too narrow, try adjusting the Font Scaler.
You can also try changing the Font Adj preferences on the Convergence setup screen. Please refer to the Convergence setup section of this document for more information.
The default setting is 100% (for the Verdana font). You may need to adjust this setting to work with your system.
Print Company Name
Company Address
Print Store Name
Store Address