Errors & Messages: Locator Entry (03-38-02)


The following are errors and messages that you might encounter when using the Locator Entry selection.

Errors & Messages

Quantity will make the Locator On-hand greater than Inventory On-hand which is not allowed.
A quantity has been entered for the location and status that will result in the total quantity of all location statuses for the entered item number being greater than the inventory onhand. Entry for this item is not allowed.

Inventory quantity not
equal to Location Floor Model / Damage Inventory quantity
Being Adjusted
Displays when the floor model quantity in the locator file does not match the inventory floor model quantity. The floor model quantity in the inventory file will be set equal to the locator floor model quantity.

Item Locator Exempt
Displays when an item flagged as locator exempt (Field 33, ‘Loc Exemp Flg,’ of Inventory Master File Inq/Maint (03-01) is set to Y) has been entered.

Invalid Item #
Displays when the entered item number does not exist in the Inventory Master File.

Locator On-hand EQ Inventory On-hand. Adjust Qty Through R&A
Displays when the number of locators on file for this item is equal to the Inventory Onhand. Any adjustments that need to be made should be completed in Receipts and Adjustments Entry (03-10-01).

Locator On-hand is greater than Inventory On-hand. Adjust through Maintenance.
Displays when the number of locators on file for this item is greater than the inventory onhand. Adjustments should be made through Locator Maintenance (03-38-03).

Maintenance is not allowed for status [X].
Maintenance is not allowed for locator quantities with the status of ‘C,’ ‘R,’ or ‘T.’

Branch is not a Locator Branch.
Will Branch be a locator branch when it is turned on? (Yes/No)
Displays if the entered branch is not currently designated as a locator branch. Enter “Y” if it will be a locator branch.