How To: Entering Locations, Quantities, and Statuses for Locator Items (03-38-02)
This tutorial describes how to enter locations, quantities, and statuses for locator items.
- From the ‘Branch’ drop-down menu, select the branch where the item is currently found.
- In the ‘Item #’ field, enter the item number, MFG SKU, or barcode for the item that is being maintained.
- In the ‘Location’ field, enter the location/locator number of the item(s).
- Locations are added in Valid Location Setup (03-38-10).
- If an item is already assigned a location of ‘RD,’ you will need to use Locate Merchandise (03-38-22) to enter a location for the item(s).
- In the ‘Enter Employee Number’ prompt, enter your employee number.
- In the ‘Status’ field, enter the status for the item(s).
- Valid statuses are: ‘A,’ ‘F,’ ‘D,’ ‘O,’ ‘M,’ and ‘L.’
- In the ‘Qty’ field, enter the quantity for this status, in this location.
- Click the ‘Update’ button.
- Click the ‘OK’ button at the ‘All Items Have Been Located’ prompt.
- Repeat Steps 3-8 until the locator on-hand matches the inventory ‘Branch On-hand’ for the item.