How To: Entering Locations, Quantities, and Statuses for Locator Items (03-38-02)


This tutorial describes how to enter locations, quantities, and statuses for locator items.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. From the ‘Branch’ drop-down menu, select the branch where the item is currently found.

  1. In the ‘Item #’ field, enter the item number, MFG SKU, or barcode for the item that is being maintained.

  1. In the ‘Location’ field, enter the location/locator number of the item(s).
    • Locations are added in Valid Location Setup (03-38-10).
    • If an item is already assigned a location of ‘RD,’ you will need to use Locate Merchandise (03-38-22) to enter a location for the item(s).

Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘Enter Employee Number’ prompt, enter your employee number.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘Status’ field, enter the status for the item(s).
    • Valid statuses are: ‘A,’ ‘F,’ ‘D,’ ‘O,’ ‘M,’ and ‘L.’

  1. In the ‘Qty’ field, enter the quantity for this status, in this location.

  1. Click the ‘Update’ button.

Click image to enlarge.

  1. Click the ‘OK’ button at the ‘All Items Have Been Located’ prompt.

  1. Repeat Steps 3-8 until the locator on-hand matches the inventory ‘Branch On-hand’ for the item.