Errors & Messages: Receipts & Adjustments Entry (03-10-01)


The following are errors and messages that you might encounter when using Receipts & Adjustments Entry selection.

Errors & Messages

Document # is now unavailable
Displays when the document is being maintained on another terminal or is in the process of Receipts & Adjustments Audit/Update (03-10-02).

If you use the transaction codes “IPHY” or “OPHY” it will affect the physical inventory in the IP02 File.
Displays when you select ‘IPHY’ or ‘OPHY’ from the ‘Adjustment Type’ drop-down list. Using the ‘IPHY’ or ‘OPHY’ Transaction Codes causes the deviation history fields, ‘Date of Last Phys Inv,’ ‘Onhand as of Phys Inv,’ and ‘Deviation Last Phys Inv’ to be updated as well as the Quantity Onhand.

If you use the transaction codes “IPRA” & “OPRA” it will NOT affect the General Ledger.
Displays when you select ‘IPRA’ or ‘OPRA’ from the ‘Adjustment Type’ drop-down list. Items entered on a document with an IPRA or OPRA Transaction Code will not be included in the G/L interface.

Missing G/L Master for ‘g/l number
Displays when the General Ledger number entered in Transaction Code Maintenance (03-13) for the selected Transaction Code is not on file as a postable account. The first half of the G/L number must be equal to either “000000” for a Balance Sheet account, or equal to the branch’s General Ledger number.

Must adjust package sub-items in locator branches
Displays when trying to enter a package item number (PKG, PKS, XX+) for a locator branch adjustment. For locator branches, the individual sub-items must be adjusted in or out.

New document entry is disallowed. Document # now exists.
Displays when the entered document number already exists in the Receipts & Adjustments entry file. Entry is not allowed.

‘OPHY’ Quantity is disapproved, update would result in negative physical count history
Displays when the entered quantity for a ‘OPHY’ adjustment would result in a negative ‘Onhand As of Phys Inv’ count. Only quantities resulting in a positive count, or a count of zero, are allowed.