How To: Sale Pending Method 1B – Shipping and Updating the DD Order


This tutorial describes how to update the DD order when using Sale Pending Work Orders Method 1B.

First, Make Sure to Create a Work Order for Each Job

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The steps included in the previous tutorials for Method 1B described how to create the work order for the first job on the DD transaction (PREWIRE). Before Shipping and Updating the DD Order, you need to repeat those steps to create a separate work order for each remaining job (INSTALL, CLEANUP).


  1. Once the work order is updated and at a ’60’ (History) status, you can ship the interface line on the DD ticket along with the some or all of the remaining items on the order. Use Quick Ship (02-08-03) or the Standard Method of Shipping to complete this process.

  1. Update the order through Order Update (02-08-16).
    • If orders automatically update when they are shipped, skip this step.

  1. Close the sales day using standard Sales Transaction Update procedures.