How To: Running the Serial Number Search Report (03-31-10)


This tutorial describes how to run the Serial Number Search Report, which produces a listing of all serial numbers on file, filtered by Item#, Brand, Product Type, Branch and/or Pay To Vendor.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘Item #’ field, enter the item number, MFG SKU, or bar code number for the serial number inquiry. Click the Search button to the right of the field to look up an item.
    • When a valid item number is entered, but the item does not have a “B” Serial # flag (Field 6) in Inventory Master File Inq/Maint (03-01), the message ‘Item Not Currently B Flagged’ appears.

  1. In the ‘Branch’ field, enter the branch for inquiry. Leave this field blank to include all branches.

  1. In the ‘Brand’ field, enter the brand for inquiry. Leave this field blank to include all brands.

  1. In the ‘Pay to Vendor’ field, enter the vendor code for inquiry. Click the Search button to the right of the field to look up a vendor.

  1. In the ‘Product Type’ field, enter the product type for inquiry. Leave this field blank to include all product types.

  1. Check the ‘Available Serial Numbers Only’ box to only include items on the report that are available for sale.

  1. Click ‘Refresh’ to load the results.