How To: Creating a New Transfer (03-11-01)
This tutorial describes how to create a new transfer.
Once a transfer is created, you can also use this selection to view the transfer and make any necessary changes.
Tip: Use the controls on the video player to watch in Full Screen mode, adjust the quality, or watch on YouTube.
- Enter your Employee ID in the ‘Employee Number’ field.
- [New] appears in the Document # field by default.
- If the ‘Auto Generate Transfer Document # By Company’ field is set to ‘Y’ in Transfers Preferences (03-11-90-01), accept the entry and the document number will auto-generate on a company wide basis when the transfer is created.
- If the ‘Auto Generate Transfer Document # By Company’ field is set to ‘N’ in Transfers Preferences (03-11-90-01), and the ‘Auto’ field is set to ‘Y’ on the second screen of Transfers Preferences, the document number will auto-generate on a branch-wide basis.
- If the ‘Auto Generate Transfer Document # By Company’ field is set to ‘N’ in Transfers Preferences (03-11-90-01), and the ‘Auto’ field is set to ‘N’ on the second screen of Inventory preferences, you will need to manually enter the document number.
Please see Inventory Transfers Preferences for more information.
- In the ‘Date’ field, accept the prompted date, or modify it by entering the new date in the field or selecting it from the calendar. The current Start of Day date appears by default.
NOTE: The Transfer Date must be after the date on which the last Physical Inventory occurred.
- From the ‘From Branch’ drop-down list, select the Outbound Branch. This is the branch that is shipping the merchandise.
NOTE: If you are on a POS Terminal and the ‘POS Terminal Must Be Outbound Branch’ preference is set to ‘Y’ in Transfers Preferences, the branch assigned to the terminal in System File Management (30-01) appears in this field by default and cannot be changed.
- From the ‘To Branch’ drop-down list, select the Inbound Branch. This is the branch that is receiving the merchandise.
NOTE: If you are on a POS Terminal and the ‘POS Terminal Must Be Inbound Branch’ preference is set to ‘Y’ in Transfers Preferences, the branch assigned to the terminal in System File Management (30-01) appears in this field by default and cannot be changed.
- Click the ‘Create’ button.
- In the ‘Item Number’ field, enter the item number, MFG SKU, or barcode of the item being transferred. To find an item, use the Search button to the right of the field.
- You can attach this transfer line to an open line on an Order Processing order by entering “OP” in this field. Please see the ‘Attaching a Transfer Line to an Order Processing’ order tutorial for more information.
- You can attach this transfer line to an open line on a Service work order by entering “WO” in this field. Please see the ‘Attaching a Transfer Line to a Service Workorder’ tutorial for more information.
- When a package item number is entered, a new window appears listing the package sub-items. From the drop-down list, select the status of the package using the instructions in Step 8 of this tutorial. This status will be applied to all sub-items.
NOTE: You can only transfer the package as is; quantities of the sub-items cannot be modified.
- In the ‘Qty’ field, enter the quantity being transferred.
- In the ‘Status’ field, accept or modify the status of the item. To change the status, select a new one from the drop-down list.
Select this option if the item is a normal inventory item.
When a transfer is created or shipped (depending on the ‘Activate Request for Transfer’ preference), the quantity on hand of the item(s) is decreased at the From Branch (Outbound Branch) and increased at the To Branch (Inbound Branch). The following options determine how the Floor/Damaged quantities are affected at both the Outbound and Inbound branches.
From Floor
Select this option and the Floor Stock quantity will be decreased at the Outbound Branch, but not changed (increased) at the Inbound Branch.
To Floor
Select this option and the Floor Stock quantity will be increased at the Inbound Branch, but not changed (decreased) at the Outbound Branch.
From/To Floor
Select this option and the Floor Stock quantity will be changed at both the Outbound and the Inbound branches.
From Damaged
Select this option and the Damaged quantity will be decreased at the Outbound Branch, but not changed (increased) at the Inbound Branch.
To Damaged
Select this option and the Damaged quantity will be increased at the Inbound Branch, but not changed (decreased) at the Outbound Branch.
From/To Damaged
Select this option and the Damaged quantity will be changed at both the Outbound and Inbound branches.
NOTE: If you are transferring multiple quantities of the same item and some or all of them have a different status, you will need to enter the lines separately. For example, you are transferring five dishwashers. Three have a status of ‘Boxed,’ one has a status of ‘From/To Damaged,’ and the remaining item has a status of ‘From Floor.’ In this case, you would need to enter three separate lines for the five items, each with the appropriate status.
- Click the ‘Accept’ box or press Enter while the ‘Accept’ field is highlighted to add the item to the transfer.
- If the item is a B-Flag Serial Number item, a new window opens for entry of the serial number information. Please see the ‘Entering B-Flag Serial Number Information’ tutorial for more information.
- If the Outbound Branch is a locator branch and the item is not Locator Exempt, a new window opens for entry of the locator information. Please see the ‘Entering Locator Information’ tutorial for more information.
- To delete the line from the transfer, click the ‘Delete’ box and then click ‘Yes’ at the ‘Are you sure you want to delete this record?’ prompt.
- To add a comment to the line (optional), click the ‘Add Comment’ button. A new window opens:
- Enter a comment that is up to 30 characters long.
- Click ‘Add.’
- Repeat this process until all comments are added.
- Click the ‘Close’ button.
- To modify the comment later, click the ‘Modify’ box next to the line you want to change. A new window then opens. Make the necessary changes and click the ‘Modify’ button. Or, click the ‘Delete’ button to remove the comment from the transfer.
- Repeat Steps 7-10 until all items are added to the transfer.
- Click the ‘Print’ button to print a paper or digital copy of the transfer (optional). At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the report to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’
IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have an ‘Inventory Transfers’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the PDF to save successfully to your computer.
- Click the ‘Done’ button to stay on the screen or click the ‘Exit’ button to leave the selection.