How To: Looking Up a Transfer by Branch and Document Number (03-11-31)


The selection is used to look up, print, and export a listing of all transfers in the system.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. From the ‘Branch’ drop-down list, select a branch for inquiry. The listing will include inbound and outbound transfers for the selected branch. Leave this field blank to include all branches.

  1. In the ‘Beg Doc’ field, enter a transfer document number for inquiry. Leave this field blank to include all transfer document numbers.

  1. Click ‘Refresh’ and all transfers containing the entered criteria appear.

  1. Click ‘Export’ to open the list directly in Excel and also save it to your computer (optional).
    IMPORTANT: You must have an ‘Inventory Transfers’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the report to open correctly in Excel.

  1. Click the ‘Print’ button to print a paper copy of the list (optional). At the prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the list to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’
    IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have an ‘Inventory Transfers’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the PDF to save successfully to your computer.