How To: Printing Packing Sheets Using GUI Printing (03-11-12)


This tutorial describes how to print Packing Sheets for transfers.


Click image to enlarge.

  1. In the ‘From Branch’ field, select an Outbound Branch (From Branch) for the Packing Sheets. Select ‘All’ to include transfers from all Outbound branches.

  1. In the ‘To Branch’ field, select an Inbound Branch (To Branch) for the Packing Sheets. Select ‘All’ to include transfers from all Inbound branches.
    NOTE: The branch selected in this field must be different from the one selected in the ‘From Branch’ field.

  1. In the ‘Start Date’ field, enter the starting date for the Packing Sheets or select it from the calendar. Only transfers with a date on or before the selected date will be included on the Packing Sheets.

  1. In the ‘End Date’ field, enter the starting date for the Packing Sheet or select it from the calendar. Only transfers with a date on or before the selected date will be included on the Packing Sheets.

  1. In the ‘Start Doc#’ field, enter the starting transfer document number for the Packing Sheets. Leave the field set to ‘First’ to start the Packing Sheets with the first transfer document on file.

  1. In the ‘End Doc#’ field, enter the ending transfer document number for the Packing Sheets. Leave the field set to ‘Last’ to end the Packing Sheets with the last transfer document on file.

  1. If you only want to view transfer documents for which the Packing Sheets have not been printed, check the ‘List only docs not printed yet’ box.

  1. Click the ‘Refresh’ button to display the transfers that will be included in the Packing Sheet print.
    NOTE: Whenever the Packing Sheets criteria changes, you must click ‘Refresh’ to update the results.

  1. You have two print options:
    1. Print a Packing Sheet for a Single Transfer
      1. Double-click an individual transfer document number.
      2. At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the report to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’
        IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have an ‘Inventory Transfers’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the PDF to save successfully to your computer.
    2. Print Packing Sheets for All Displayed Transfers
      1. Click the ‘Print’ button.
      2. At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer, or enter “PDF” to save the report to a PDF file. If printing to PDF, accept or modify the filename and click ‘Ok.’
        IMPORTANT: When printing to PDF, you must have an ‘Inventory Transfers’ folder specified in Company PDF/Export Directory (30-04) or By Term PDF/Export Directory (30-05) in order for the PDF to save successfully to your computer.