How To: Printing Packing Sheets Using Non-GUI Printing (03-11-12)
This tutorial describes how to print Packing Sheets for transfers.
- In the ‘From Branch’ field, select an Outbound Branch (From Branch) for the Packing Sheets. Select ‘All’ to include transfers from all Outbound branches.
- In the ‘To Branch’ field, select an Inbound Branch (To Branch) for the Packing Sheets. Select ‘All’ to include transfers from all Inbound branches.
NOTE: The branch selected in this field must be different from the one selected in the ‘From Branch’ field.
- In the ‘Start Date’ field, enter the starting date for the Packing Sheets or select it from the calendar. Only transfers with a date on or before the selected date will be included on the Packing Sheets.
- In the ‘End Date’ field, enter the starting date for the Packing Sheet or select it from the calendar. Only transfers with a date on or before the selected date will be included on the Packing Sheets.
- In the ‘Start Doc#’ field, enter the starting transfer document number for the Packing Sheets. Leave the field set to ‘First’ to start the Packing Sheets with the first transfer document on file.
- In the ‘End Doc#’ field, enter the ending transfer document number for the Packing Sheets. Leave the field set to ‘Last’ to end the Packing Sheets with the last transfer document on file.
- If you only want to view transfer documents for which the Packing Sheets have not been printed, check the ‘List only docs not printed yet’ box.
- Click the ‘Refresh’ button to display the transfers that will be included in the Packing Sheet print.
NOTE: Whenever the Packing Sheets criteria changes, you must click ‘Refresh’ to update the results.
- You have two print options:
- Print a Packing Sheet for a Single Transfer
- Double-click an individual transfer document number.
- At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer or spooler.
- Print Packing Sheets for All Displayed Transfers
- Click the ‘Print’ button.
- At the ‘Select Printer’ prompt, enter the ID of a physical printer or spooler.