NewsFlash #79

The following updates have been applied to TylerNet. Please read them carefully, as some might require action from you.

Barcode Labels Prodigy – Function – 03-33-07

After adding an individual item to Print Queue list, cursor will now position back to the ‘Item” field for the next entry.

Item Master Import/Export – Field Change in Profile – 24-10

In the ‘Profile’ tab, ‘Do not update Product Type’ has been changed to ‘Update Product Type’.

Item Master Import/Export – Output File – 24-10

In the ‘Output a File’ tab, when selecting ‘Save as Tyler Standard’, if Features/Benefits is not licensed, the Feature 1 through Feature 5 fields will not be checked for outputting to a file.

Removed Selections

The following selections are now obsolete and have been removed from the Utilities Menu (34).

  • 34-10 “Change Printer CPI”
  • 34-11 “Def Func for Menus”