NewsFlash #81

The following updates have been applied to TylerNet. Please read them carefully, as some might require action from you.

Order Upload Tyler -> RouteSmith (02-08-12-05)

When sending Service Work Orders, will include 100 characters in each of the 5 Comment lines for a total of 500 comment characters.

When sending Service Work Orders, will include the Item to Be Serviced with a work order line number of ‘000’. This is in addition to the Service Parts for the work order.

P/O Entry (04-01)

Will allow attaching a PO to an OP order where the order’s “Sold at Store” and the “Order Pickup Store” are in different regions.

Update Sales Analysis Inventory Figures (05-02)

Modified Inventory Value to match up with the 03-63 inventory value.

Mo/Mo Sales/Item (05-36)

Selection has been modified to be GUI with a screen display, Print and Export buttons. Select Criteria allows for Written or Delivered Sales, specific Priority flags, specific Brands, specific Departments and to exclude items with zero sales for 12 Months.

Please refer the documentation on this selection.

GUI Reports (05-41) All Selections:

When Exporting, will no longer prompt ‘.csv’ for the extension since the exported file is in Tab Delimited format.

Daily One Liner (05-41-02)

When inquire on Written Sales for a large Date Range, will now display the Total Units Sold.

EDI Purchase Order 850 (04-53-01)

Added Licensed Option for sending Purchase Orders (850) for EXIM mapping.

Interchange Setup By Vendor (04-53-90-02)

Added License Option for sending Vendor EDI orders for EXIM mapping.

New Leaf Reporting (24-01-12)

Added licensed Option application for reporting sold Extended Warranties to NEW LEAF in addition to reporting Lost Opportunity items (items sold without an extended warranty). Please refer to the documentation for this new application.