NewsFlash #93

The following updates have been applied to TylerNet. Please read them carefully, as some might require action from you.

Sales Invoice – Serial Numbers in Rooms on Form L– 02-02

When multiple lines of the same serialized item is attached to different “Rooms” on a sale order, the lines will print separately within their assigned Rooms regardless of the preference “Print Multiple Serial # on each line” found in 2-18-16. In this case, the Room assignment takes precedence.

For more about using Rooms, please view this video.

Item Master Import/Export – Required Fields when Updating Existing Items – 24-10

When the option to “Get Changes for Existing Items” is checked, the Tyler Brand, Department and Product Type will not be required on the spreadsheet for those existing items but only if NOT using the Tyler Standard file type. A new file type must be created. If uploading new items, the Tyler Brand, Department & Product Type will still be required.

To learn more about the Item Master Import/Export feature, please view this video.