NewsFlash #96

The following updates have been applied to TylerNet. Please read them carefully, as some might require action from you.

Open Order Inquiry – Special Instructions – 02-08-23

This selection has been enhanced to include the first two lines of Special Instructions on the screen display and export. If exported, the file will be in tab delimited format.

Receipts & Adjustments – Invalid Transaction Code – 03-10-01

If Auto-Generating the Document number and the user enters an invalid transaction code, the program will no longer give invalid message, but will position for re-entry.

Sales Analysis – Sales by Store – 05-41-01

This selection has been enhanced to add Brand to the selection criteria. In addition, the drill down detail will now display the item description for the ticket lines.

GUI Customer History – Alpha Search – 06-31

When doing an alpha search, will display all fields on file regardless if a colon (:) is in the description.